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What would you estimate was your total budget allocated to pilots in 2018?

In which kinds of departments/agencies (were/would) innovation pilots (most likely be) initiated? Please select all that apply.

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Other (please identify):”

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Other (please identify):”

Do you share results or insights from your pilots with your peers in other governments?

When you partner with companies to do pilots, which kind of companies do you tend to work with the most?

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Yes (please explain):”

Please identify any tool or platform that you might use or consider for each of the following phases:

What do you think the most pressing issue facing the area you or your office serves is?

Which statement best describes your current position in government?

You indicated the budget is a pressing issue in your area. Do you think the appropriate solution is cutting spending or increasing revenue? If spending, how should spending be decreased? If revenue, how should revenue be increased? (Please limit your response to a few sentences.)

Which of the following best describes your gender identity?

How important is it for you to live in a country that is governed democratically? On this scale where 1 means it is “not at all important” and 10 means “absolutely important,” what position would you choose?

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people? : Nancy Pelosi

Which of the following best describes your prior work experience(s)? Please check all that apply.

How well do the following statements describe the United States as of today?

How would you characterize your interest in holding a higher elected office in the future?

Some of the examples you saw previously are types of threatening language. For example, a politician saying their opponents should be “harassed on social media,” “be very afraid,” “be protested,” or “they should be crushed.” How much does each of the following reasons explain why a politician may use threatening language against their political opponents?

Which best describes your field of study in college? 

In what year were you born?

One of our goals at CivicPulse is to generate and share knowledge among local government officials that might be useful in their own communities. In our previous survey, we asked respondents to identify the most pressing issue that their communities were facing. Here is what we found: (graph of answers).
As you can see, the most common answers were related to the budget. Would you consider the budget a pressing issue in your local area?

If a politician said the following about their political opponents……. how often would the public find this type of speech acceptable?

On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is least democratic and 100 is most democratic, how would you rate the political system of the United States as of today?

Do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?

Which best describes your field of study in graduate school? 

In general, how much trust do you have in the following institutions when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly?

Some of the examples you saw previously are types of name-calling. For example, a politician calling their opponents “traitors,” “corrupt,” “animals,” or “parasites”. How much does each of the following reasons explain why a politician may engage in name-calling of their political opponents?

You indicated that you hold a job in addition to your current position in government. Which of the following best describes this job?

How would you characterize your interest in holding an elected office in the future?

Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Please check all that apply.

In general, do you think of yourself as:

How many years have you worked in government over your career?

Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Please check all that apply.

What do you think is the most important problem facing democracy in the U.S. today? (Please limit your response to a few sentences.)

How can your state or federal government more effectively provide you and other local governments information on COVID-19?

What is the one thing you wish your state and federal government knew about how COVID-19 is or isn’t affecting your community?

Are there any documented cases of COVID-19 in your county?

How would you characterize the state and federal response to COVID-19?

Do you think that COVID-19 is a serious problem for your local community?

Do you feel that your office has access to reliable information about how to respond to COVID-19?

Do you feel that the state and federal government are coordinating effectively with local governments?

What have been the most helpful sources of information about how to respond to COVID-19? Please select all that apply.

In general, if the situation stays the same for another three months, how will people’s compliance with these guidelines change? with the kinds of guidelines previously mentioned change? What if the situation stays the same for another six months?

What if the situation stays the same for another six months?

What additional resources, if any, would improve your local government’s capacity to comply with new state or federal guidelines with respect to COVID-19?

Which, if any, of the following types of actions has your local government taken to increase compliance with these four guidelines?
“Encouragement” actions include posting signs, announcements, etc.
“Enforcement” actions include issuing fines, policing, etc.

In your opinion, does your local government have the resources needed to comply with new state and federal guidelines being developed to respond to COVID-19?

In responding to COVID-19, has your local government had to divert attention or resources away from existing activities or services? If so, which ones?

You have likely heard of the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that was passed by the federal government. In your opinion, how might some of those funds be most effectively used to support local communities in responding to COVID-19?

How would you characterize your state's response to COVID-19?

How many innovation pilots were initiated by your local government in the last three years? Even if you do not know the exact number, please provide your best estimate for your local government as a whole.

Please consider this simplified model for the life cycle of an innovation project:

Discovery (solution research, proposal submission/review, selection)
Pilot (initiate, manage, and track progress of project)
Share (communicate results/learnings with stakeholders)

Which phases (would) present the most challenges to your organization? (Please explain.)

Do you usually partner with a company (for-profit or non-profit) or companies when running pilots?

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “No (please explain):”

For projects that did not move beyond pilot, what was the reason? (Please check all that apply.)

This variable contains the open-ended answer if a respondent specified more detail after selecting “Other (please identify):”

Overall, please estimate the percentage of your pilots which have been “successful” (moved beyond pilot).

Who (is/would be) primarily responsible for managing innovation pilots in your government? Please choose the title that is closest to the relevant role.

Do you support or oppose the use of needle exchange programs?

If you were to guess, what percentage of scientists who conduct research related to GMOs believe that GMOs are safe to eat?

Which of the following best describes your religious affiliation, if any? Please check all that apply.

Do you support or oppose a ban on GMO foods?

If more people owned guns, do you think violent crime would increase or decrease?

Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Please check all that apply.

Thinking about various sources of news available today, what would you say is your main source of news about current events in the U.S. and around the world?

Do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?

If you were to guess, what percentage of economists who conduct research related to rent control believe rent control policies do not increase the overall availability of affordable housing?

You indicated that you hold a job in addition to your current position in government. Which of the following best describes this job? 

How would you characterize your interest in holding a higher elected office in the future?

Consider the opinions of your constituents. If you were to guess, what percentage of your constituents fall into the following groups? These percentages should add up to 100.

Consider a situation where you had to choose whether to support or oppose a rent control policy. How important would each of the following factors be to you?

Does anyone in your household own a gun?

When deciding whether or not you would support a new gun law, how important would each of the following factors be for you?

Some people think that by criticizing leaders, news organizations keep political leaders from doing their job. Others think that such criticism is worth it because it keeps political leaders from doing things that should not be done. Which position is closer to your opinion?

Which of the following best describes your gender identity?

How would you characterize your interest in holding an elected office in the future?

Do you support the use of force for national security reasons?

How important is security (local, state, or national; including military, law enforcement, fire/safety first responders, or related security activities) to you as a public official?

Which of the following best describes your religious affiliation, if any? Please check all that apply.

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a …

Which best describes your field of study in college? 

Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? Please check all that apply.

Over your career, how many years have you worked in government?

We recognize that, while most participants in this survey are elected officials, some may have been appointed or directly hired. Which statement best describes your current position?

Which best describes your field of study in graduate school? 

Do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?

How would you characterize your interest in holding a higher elected office in the future?

Approximately how many residents live in the area your office serves? 

What is the last grade of school you completed?

Would you describe yourself as a "born-again" or evangelical Christian, or not?

Are you affiliated with the U.S. military (active, guard/reserve, veteran) or do you have family members in the U.S. military?

Do you intend to seek reelection for your current position?

In what year were you born?

Approximately how many residents live in the area you represent? 

In general, do you think of yourself as:

Do you trust the American military as an institution?

How much do you consider recommendations from staff before making important decisions as a public official?

What do you think the most pressing issue facing the area you or your office serves is?

What is the last grade of school you completed?

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a…

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