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Some of the examples you saw previously are types of threatening language. For example, a politician saying their opponents should be “harassed on social media,” “be very afraid,” “be protested,” or “they should be crushed.” How much does each of the following reasons explain why a politician may use threatening language against their political opponents?
One of our goals at CivicPulse is to generate and share knowledge among local government officials that might be useful in their own communities. In our previous survey, we asked respondents to identify the most pressing issue that their communities were facing. Here is what we found: (graph of answers).
As you can see, the most common answers were related to the budget. Would you consider the budget a pressing issue in your local area?
Please consider this simplified model for the life cycle of an innovation project:
Discovery (solution research, proposal submission/review, selection)
Pilot (initiate, manage, and track progress of project)
Share (communicate results/learnings with stakeholders)
Which phases (would) present the most challenges to your organization? (Please explain.)