challenges1_1_2020_07; challenges1_2_2020_07; challenges1_3_2020_07; challenges1_4_2020_07; challenges1_5_2020_07; challenges1_6_2020_07; challenges1_7_2020_07; challenges1_8_2020_07 [grid question]
Date Asked
August 2020
Question Type
Multiple Choice
Positions Asked
Head of IT
Level of Government Surveyed
Question Text
In trying to acquire new software for each of the following areas, which of the following has been a challenge? Please select all that apply.
Answer Choices
1. Obtaining financial approval/resources
2. Inadequate information about software options
3. Lack of buy-in from IT staff in your government
4. Lack of buy-in from purchasing staff in your government
5. Lack of buy-in from your top appointed official
6. Concerns about implementation
7. Other (please specify)
8. I have no applicable experience to answer this question
Grid Options
Additional Information
The language of this question changed based upon position. Department heads were shown their specific department area (i.e. ... for "public works", which ...). For Top Appointed officials and Heads of IT, the question was generalized and the specific department area was replaced with "for each of the following areas."
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