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JUNE 2020

Local Government Spending Priorities in the Wake of COVID-19

How will COVID-19 affect local government budgets? CivicPulse asks local elected officials to project how spending will change over the next year across twelve different program and functional areas. This CivicPulse Insights report was developed with Power Almanac.

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Report 1: Overall Spending

Report 1: Overall Spending

For context, we quantify local policymakers’ expectations about changes in both revenue and spending in the next twelve months. The remainder of the report then focuses on overall spending. First, we compare spending projections across twelve different program and functional areas. Second, we disaggregate overall spending projections by a range of local factors (population size, government type, geographic region, COVID-19 incidence, and political leaning). 

Projections by Program, Function, and Local Factors

Report 2: Spending Areas

Report 2: Spending Areas

We take a deeper dive into each of the twelve program and functional areas mentioned in Report 1. For each area, we break down our spending projections by a range of local factors (population size, government type, geographic region, COVID-19 incidence, and political leaning). 

Program Areas
Functional Areas

Program Areas

Health Services

Public Welfare
and Social Services

Sanitation, Sewage,
and Water

Housing and Community Development

Public Works

Public Safety

Roads and Highways

Functional Areas

Capital Investments


Citizen Communication and Engagement



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